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2017 Future Scholars

It’s that time of year again! Tomorrow, November 9th & 10th, approximately 50 high school seniors from all different places will flood our campus to participate in the opportunity of a lifetime. Alongside the chance to see what life at TFC is all about, while current students hosting them, the high school seniors will be competing for a 4-year full ride scholarship.

Throughout their time on campus, prospective students spend time participating in various interviews and activities. There will be questions about personal life, various puzzles, and teamwork exercises. The competition is designed to judge you based on character, integrity, and leadership. Only one competitor can win each year; past winners include Seth VanHorn (2013), Mikhayla Riegel (2014), Anna Halbersma (2015), and Madison Smith (2016).

While the competition is intense, it is extremely fun and a great chance to get a feel for the school. Two past winners, Anna Halbserma and Madison Smith share a bit about what the experience was like for them below.

For Anna, the experience as both humbling and riveting. She would say that “no matter the outcome” she is thankful to have come. Madison Smith agrees, also describing the involvement as “prestigious” and a “unique but great experience. Future Scholars is hosted and judged by the Admissions Office, with some help from the past winners and faculty and staff from all over campus.

For anyone who is attending, 2015 winner Anna Halbersma says she would tell attendees to get ready for an exciting challenge. She explains that the point of the weekend is not winning; instead, it is about “... getting to know people, and let people get to know you for who you truly are.” Anna says that even though it is a stressful time, “be yourself.” Madison Smith, 2016 winner agrees, saying that you should “Be confident in who you are. You don’t need to be worried about what the judges are looking for, because they are looking for someone who is being them self.” Madison adds, “They’re looking for your qualities as a person.” Anna agreed, adding that even if you do not win, you still grow as a person and learn a lot about who you are. Anna went on to say that even if you lose, “it doesn’t mean they’re better, just that this is God’s way of providing for that person.”

For those who are current TFC students, (especially those hosting) it is important that the future scholars feel welcome. The encouragement of a host or student can make all the difference. “Get to know them! Make their time here the best that you can.” Anna advises. Madison added a thank you to Kat Clair, her future scholars host.

No matter what happens during this weekend, seniors are encouraged to create space to hear from the Lord. Whether or not you win the scholarship, listening and following the voice of God is what matters most.

Overall, Future Scholars is an amazing occasion for everyone involved; whether you are hosting, attending, or a bystander, it is an wonderful opportunity to come together and get to know current and future TFC students. I hope all prospective students feel welcomed and have a great time. The 2017 Future Scholars Winner announcement is greatly anticipated across campus. Good luck to all the competitors!

Group photo from first ever Future Scholars (2013)
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