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Books For You: A Non-exhaustive List of Recommended Books from Students and Alumni

Looking for a good book to read? The Talon has asked current students and graduates of TFC what books they recommend for other students. They all believe that the following books will help others in their walks with God and relationships with others.

Connor Gonzalez (Sophomore) recommends, “The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Even though it's fictional it has really good insight into the subject of temptation and spiritual warfare and I think it can be applicable to all kinds of real-life situations where we face temptation today.”

Josiah Renz (Senior) recommends, “How to win friends and influence people. By Dale Carnegie because of the title. It’s a good book that tells people to have common sense around others. But it’s really practical.”

Katie Thorne (TFC Graduate and LeTourneau & Fant Resident Director) recommends, “NEW RULES for Love, sex and dating. [By] Andy Stanley. [It is] REALLY GOOD for talking about topics that are often not spoken of in Christian communities, especially highlighting some realities about current culture. Not everyone agrees with him but it starts important conversations!”

Johnathan Winger (Freshman) recommends, “Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer, [ because] the book really puts into perspective what we can know for sure about God and allows the reader to marvel at the facets of God's

character that they may not have been able to understand yet.”

Mary Deminskey (TFC Graduate) recommends 3 different books for you guys.

1. “Desiring God [by] Piper, [because it is] a classic, reflecting on our true purpose in life- not our careers, families, education, or even ministries. A much-needed reminder during a season of life wrought with finding our value & happiness in perishing things.”

2. “Sacred marriage [by] Gary Thomas, [because it is] a message for those desiring or considering marriage that is a reality-in-Christ check for self-centered romance. "What if God designed marriage to make us holy, more than to make us happy?"

3. “Not even a hint [by] Brian Smith/Joshua Harris- if you're going to read a purity book, this is the one I would pick. I was introduced to it in high school when my sin was exposed to the light. This book addresses the non-gender-discriminating sin of lust in all our hearts. I appreciated that it wasn't a typical "modesty for girls, blinders for boys" book.”

As the semester begins to wind down and summer veers its long anticipated head, the Talon encourages students to pick up one of these books, sit in the sunshine, and enjoy the days before you.

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