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Junior Senior Banquet 2019

Junior Senior Banquet is a special time to honor upperclassmen, and offers one more time for seniors to dress ​​to the nines before graduation. This year, the banquet was held on April 27th at The Cotton Mill Event Venue in Jefferson Georgia. This venue is a beautiful location at a renovated old cotton mill. Students were intrigued by the venue not only for its quirky beauty, but also by the world's largest mattress which was displayed in the next building over.

The event started at 6pm as students started to arrive in their

​finest attire. Each group smiled as they met their friends and ​​took pictures. Dinner was served at 7pm. The spread was generous and lovely, with baked chicken, green beans, mac and cheese, mashed and sweet potatoes, salad, and of course dessert. Everyone ate their fill, and as the plates started to clear, the music began to play.

The dance floor opened, and there were participants and ​​spectators alike enjoying the music. Traditional line dances were thrown in with today's top hits, and a special premiere of a few songs from our very own Anna Gonzales' new EP Steer Clear. Altogether, the event was another smashing success by the SGA Campus Life committee.


Follow @tfcsga for more pictures!

Steer Clear:

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