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Habits for a Meaningful Summer

​After a long semester of papers, group projects, and late-night homework assignments, there is nothing that students look forward to more than summer. With summer, comes a welcomed break from the busy routines and stress of the semester. For most, summer is going to look different from the semester, whether they are heading toward a job, an internship, camp, going back home, or anything in between. While we all excitedly await summer, it will bring challenges of its own. How can we make the most of what awaits us over the next few months? Here are a few habits that can help you have a meaningful summer:

1. Take time for Sabbath.

This one resembles something you might hear pretty often: “Take time for yourself.” Sabbath is a little different – more intentional. Spending intentional time in Sabbath means investing in things that bring you rest, purpose, and delight. Rest and alone time are important for spiritual reflection, growth, and development. Doing things that you find purpose in is what fills you to be able to pour into others. Each person finds fulfillment in different ways; it could be reading, spending purposeful time with friends, painting, hiking, or (for some of us) even cleaning! This is also where delight comes in. Delight fosters a positive perspective and encourages you to be joyful in everything you do. So, remember to Sabbath – it makes all the difference!

2. Look for places to serve.

Many people have already decided to live a lifestyle of service this summer, whether as a camp counselor or ministry intern, but there are service opportunities for everyone. This could be volunteering some time at a local small business or church, washing the dishes for your mom, sending your friend an encouraging letter, or paying for a stranger’s meal in the drive-thru. Jesus calls us to be light, to love, and to serve others in humility, and learning to make that a lifestyle is vital.

3. Do something different.

This is an almost “anti-habit,” but breaking the routine is important and healthy! Whether it is something small, like going to bed early, or something big, like going on a spontaneous road trip, getting out of your comfort zone can be life-changing. Sometimes God calls us to things that make us uncomfortable, but if we are already in a habit of doing things that take some courage, it might just be a little easier.

Obviously, there are thousands of things you could do to have a meaningful summer, but here is somewhere to start. So, enjoy your summer, and remember to make it memorable!

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