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Prayer and Worship Night

I have struggled with seeing the kindness of God before. In so many situations, I have found myself asking God to show me his kindness and coming up empty. I have found myself wondering how certain situations were anything other than cruel. But this past weekend, I had an encounter with God that wrecked these doubts and questions of mine.

There is a team of us who help lead the Prayer and Worship Nights on campus. This past weekend, we sat in a room together praying and worshipping together. Before I knew what was happening, the Spirit came so heavily over that room and God was speaking over me. We have had a long journey with the Prayer and Worship Nights. They began in a ping pong room my freshman year with just six of us running after the Lord. Now we’re in the Grace Chapel foyer, sometimes with a full room of people seeking the Lord. It is a sweet moment to see this growth, and even sweeter to know how many mistakes and bad decisions we have made and to see how God has brought us through those. While in that moment this past weekend, I saw how patient God has been to us, and how his kindness is shown through his patience. In all of our mistakes, God walked right beside us; he still spoke, he still moved and he still showed up every time. God has been so patient watching us walk through the past seasons, and he wasn’t angry or frustrated; he still loved us so well through it.

I found myself fully seeing the kindness of God in my own life. God has been so patient in my frustration and anger over moments that I have seen as cruel. He has been so kind in moments when I was not actively looking for his presence. I questioned his kindness when I was looking in all the wrong places for it. He is still kind in hard times. He is worthy of all our time and worship, even in times of doubt.

My friends, this coming Friday and Saturday (October 16 and 17) is an All-Night Prayer and Worship event at Grace Fellowship. It starts at 9 p.m. and lasts until 8 a.m., and I want to invite you to join us. You don’t have to stay the entire time, so come and go as you are able. Breaking curfew is not penalized for this night. This is a night to fully run after God with everything we have, to give him the worship and glory he deserves. This is a night to dwell in his sweet presence, and I invite you to look for his kindness during this time. His kindness is always there.

All Night Prayer and Worship:

9 p.m. to 8 a.m. October 16th-17th

at Grace Fellowship: 201 Alewine Dr. Toccoa, GA 30577

Prayer nights:

Mondays at 8 p.m. in the Forrest Ping Pong room

Worship nights:

Thursdays at 9 p.m. in Grace Chapel Foyer

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